Thursday, 10 December 2009

CD Cover and Magazine Advert Audience Feedback

We asked 4 people from 6th form to take a look and discuss what they thought about our CD Cover and inserts, and our Magazine Advert.The feedback we got from the front cover of our CD cover was all positive and what we were hoping for. It was described as 'eye catching' because of the black and white 'contrasting well' with the red features on the image. The red was described as an 'appropriate' colour to contrast with the black and white. The main image was also described as 'surreal', 'unsettling', 'creepy' and 'scary', which was also a feature we were hoping for. However there were mixed opinions about the text on the front cover. Some people thought the text was 'appropriate', 'stood out well' and was a 'good choice of font and placement'. While others thought it 'didn't stand out enough from the image' and 'wasn't big enough to comfortably read'. We weren't surprised with the feedback about the text as there were mixed opinions about it in the group when we produced the cover.In regard to the inserts, the first image, of just the two masked people standing outside was described as 'boring and not as interesting compared to the other images'. There was also feedback concerning the person in the gorilla mask, the people we asked to look at and discuss the CD covers said there should be 'an additionaly colour on the gorilla mask just like there is on the clown mask'. Even though we are happy with the image, we are aware that it was taken at quite a simple angle compared to the other images which were considered more interesting.The second image, the image of the masks being thrown in the air, was much more popular than the other insert image. The image was described as 'interesting and effective because of the location'. It was immediately labelled as 'better than the other insert' and someone described the angle in which is was taken as 'clever'. Everyone we asked also liked the text placement and it was described as 'absract'.The back of the CD cover was described as an 'effective contrast with the front' because we used a close up image again. The 'angled font' was also described as 'helping the surreal feel' of the overall CD cover. However, some people described the text as 'too small and didn't stand out enough' and 'should be straight with the rest of the image'.With the magazine advert, again we recieved positive feedback for the 'red colour contrasting effectively with the black and white'. The advert was also 'an effective link between the CD cover, the music video and the advert' as the image is similar to a scene in the music video. Our advert was described as 'attention grabbing' and 'providing the desired information in a clear and simple way because of the choice of words'. However, people didn't like the fact that the gorilla was in 'poor lighting' and was 'not very visible at all'. One person said the image would have looked better if everything was a bit more 'symmetrical' as there was 'too much clown and not enough gorilla'.Overall we are pleased with the audience feedback. We have worked carefully to ensure there is an obvious relationship between the music video, magazine advert and CD cover - this is something that our audience picked up on very quickly as it was one of the first things they all mentioned.

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